About me

Minh Hao Nguyen
Amsterdam School of Communication Research (ASCoR)
University of Amsterdam
E: m.h.nguyen [a] uva.nl
T: +316 38 55 86 59
Welcome! My name is Minh Hao Nguyen and I am a researcher studying communication, new media technology, and health and well-being. I am currently an Assistant Professor at the Amsterdam School of Communication Research (ASCoR) at the University of Amsterdam. From 2021-2023 I was a Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) Fellow at the Internet Use & Society Division of the Department of Communication and Media Research (IKMZ), University of Zurich. Before this, I was a Senior Research & Teaching Associate (Oberassistentin) at the University of Zurich.
My research interests include the content, uses, and consequences of new media technologies (e.g., the Internet, SNS, mobile technologies) for health and well-being in an increasingly digital society, with a special interest in digital well-being and disconnection. In 2020, I received a Marie Sklodowska-Curie Action (MSCA) Fellowship from the European Commission to continue my line of work on digital disconnection, drawing on research methods such as mobile experience sampling and panel surveys. My work often moves beyond traditional research methods, for instance by integrating behavioral tracking data with self-report measures.
My work has appeared in leading journals in the field of communication and media research, such as Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, Journal of Communication, Human Communication Research, New Media & Society, Information, Communication & Society, and Journal of Health Communication. I am on the editorial board of the Journal of Quantitative Description: Digital Media and the European Journal of Health Communication. I have served as a guest editor for Mobile Media & Communication, where I co-edited the special issue on “Digital Well-Being in an Age of Mobile Connectivity” (2022).
I obtained my BSc in International Communication and Media from the Erasmus University Rotterdam in 2012, and I earned my MSc in Communication Science (research, cum laude) from the University of Amsterdam in 2014. In 2019, I received my doctorate (PhD, cum laude) from the Amsterdam School of Communication Research (ASCoR), University of Amsterdam. In my dissertation, I investigated the uses and effects of tailored online health information for older adults and cancer patients combining multiple methods and sources of data (survey research, experiments, a randomized controlled field trial, content analysis, and website tracking data). A central component to this work is the interplay between online and offline communication channels, as online behaviors can have offline consequences and vice versa.
If you are a student, researcher or organization interested in working with me, please contact me by email.
Photo by IKMZ, University of Zurich.